


Nota del Día

Who is Nayib Bukele

Nayib Armando Bukele Ortez (born July 24, 1981 in San Salvador) is a Salvadorean politician and businessman.

He was elected as Mayor of Nuevo Cuscatlan on 11 March 2012. He was also elected as mayor of San Salvador on March 1, 2015 and took office on May 1, 2015. Both public offices have been elected under the banner of the party Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front.

Early life

Nayib Bukele was born on July 24, 1981 in San Salvador. He is the son of Olga Ortez de Bukele and Armando Bukele Kattán, a renowned businessman and an influential figure in the country's political life. At a very young age, Nayib was recognized for his skills and spirit of entrepreneurship. At just 18, he already ran a company.

Mayor of Nuevo Cuscatlan

On March 11, 2012, he was elected on behalf of a coalition of the FMLN with 2754 votes (49.72%) and CD 108 votes (1.95%), making a total of 2862 votes (50.68%) taking the mayoralty from the ARENA party, which won 2585 votes (46.67%). He took office on May 1, 2012..

Mayor of San Salvador

In the municipal elections of 2015 he won the mayoralty of San Salvador, the Capital City of El Salvador, representing a coalition of the FMLN in coalition with the PSP, obtaining 89,164 votes (50.37% of total). His main challenger, businessman and former deputy Edwin Zamora, ARENA, won 82,288 votes (46.49%). The latter party had controlled the city during the previous six years. Nayib Bukele took office on May 1, 2015.
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1 comment :

  1. He is a woderful person i would like to speak with him, been in el salvador 8 years since was deported. I admired you so very much And of course you have my vote And my husband's tooa


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